With the growing number of revolutions that have occurred in northern Africa and Arab countries, now more than ever, it is of vital importance to guarantee the rights of migrants. People are running away from their own countries, desperate to find a safe place from the battlefields their countries have turned into. One example is the growing number of Libyans arriving in Malta lately (Aldami, 2011).
There is no doubt that immigration is a growing issue in European countries, and even when some policies are being applied, are certain sectors of the population against the granting of citizenship and they even consider that immigration is one of the biggest problems that their countries are facing right now (Press, 2011). Just after the unemployment and the economy, experts agree that even more than leading to economic problems for the European countries due a decrease in exports to African countries, the mass illegal immigration would lead to many social problems (Cava, 2011). In response to this, an expert from the European Economic and Social Committee ensures that the unwanted migration is a minor problem and the best thing Europe can do is to support democratic processes of the countries in crisis (Pariza, 2011).,
In addition to this, the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) data, France ranks below the EU average in pretty much all of the immigration areas and it only ranks higher in the anti-discrimination policies. Even though this could appear to is good news for the country, in the rest of the areas France ranks considerably lower, turning the country into one with the most contradictory immigration policies in the European Union (Huddleston, 2011).
Let's explain this a little bit further. On the one hand, they allegedly are against discrimination to migrants aiming to protect their rights. On the other hand France has the worst scores of the EU in areas like Family reunification for third-country nationals, political participation, education, long term residence, among others. So while they are punishing people for treating others differently, the government is not granting the same rights to the citizens and the increasing number of immigrants.
Some other countries are taking action to improve their immigration records. For instance Spain and Poland are expected to adopt new anti-discrimination laws that cover discrimination by association and on the basis of assumed characteristics. This would enhance the protection of victims against discriminatory behaviors considerably. We should make notice that these two countries rank higher than the average in almost all of the areas (Do, 2011).
The future is uncertain for politics and society in Europe. Despite the enormous discontent in society, the results of the cantonal elections held in France last Sunday, socialists received 36.3 per cent of the popular vote. The ruling UMP party under Sarkozy gained 19.7% and in third place the FN led by Marine Le Pen with only 11.6% (Jiménez, 2011). While this may not be relevant news, on the day of the election, a poll was released that allegedly Marine Le Pen will lead the next presidential election in the first round which could lead the FN in the second round once again. If we believe the poll, the FN has a shot at winning the French presidential elections
Only time will tell.
Aldami, A. (2011, March 30). Unique response needed for current influx of immigrants - minister. Retrieved from http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20110330/local/unique-response-needed-for-current-influx-of-immigrants-minister
Cava, J. (2011, March 30). ¿en qué afectan las revueltas del magreb a la economía española?. Retrieved from http://www.cope.es/economia/30-03-11--en-que-afectan-las-revueltas-del-magreb-a-la-economia-espanola-236738-1
Do, U. (2011, March 22). New anti-discrimination law in spain and poland to significantly affect mipex iii results. Retrieved from http://mipex.wordpress.com/2011/03/22/new-anti-discrimination-law-in-spain-and-poland-to-significantly-affect-mipex-iii-results/#more-85
Jiménez, A. (2011). El partido socialista francés gana las elecciones cantonales y el frente nacional se consolida. El Pais, Retrieved from http://www.elpais.com/articulo/internacional/Partido/Socialista/frances/gana/elecciones/cantonales/Frente/Nacional/consolida/elpepuint/20110327elpepuint_5/Tes
Huddleston, T. (2011, March 25). France: least favourable, most contradictory policies of major migration countries. Retrieved from http://mipex.wordpress.com/2011/03/25/france-least-favourable-most-contradictory-policies-of-major-migration-countries/#more-96
Pariza, L. (2011, March 30). Experto del cese cree que la inmigración no deseada es "un problema menor" y apuesta por apoyar la democracia en libia. Retrieved from http://www.europapress.es/sociedad/noticia-experto-cese-cree-inmigracion-no-deseada-problema-menor-apuesta-apoyar-democracia-libia-20110330143419.html
Press, E. (2011, March 30). El paro, la economía y la inmigración, problemas que más preocupan a los aragoneses. Retrieved from http://www.europapress.es/aragon/noticia-paro-economia-inmigracion-son-problemas-mas-preocupan-aragoneses-20110330123550.html
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